Passion Takes Over
Sometimes our life is defined by the choices we make and with time a beautiful story is woven. And these choices are extremely important for an entrepreneur when one knows its not just our story but a story of all the people associated with us. Having said that, there are some tough decisions when it comes to making our choices. Pursuing one’s passion comes with a price and its not just a regular income or fixed work hours or a regular income that we are sacrificing to pursue our passion. Having made the choice, a tough journey asks for a greater conviction that our choices are ‘not for Mulla (money)’. Not that passion and mulla have to be independent of each other, but the struggle ahead to pursue a passion and stick to our conviction is at a cost. This I had to pay by quitting my regular high paying Investment Banking job.
Regular income takes a hit but once we make our choice then there is no room for comparison of what we would have GOT over what we GET. But I was at an advantage as I wasn’t exactly the ‘breadwinner’ and my daily needs were well taken care of. But with zero funding and lack of faith in my choices, the battle ahead was tough. My business started with a small credit card payment and we had and have tough times but the journey had begun … we ploughed back our profits and stayed afloat on individual funding. As I was keen on designing simple and elegant stuff from our desi weaves I went back to college (NIFT) for an advanced program to get my basics right. After that, the journey got a direction…
Even today there are times when I say I would swap a regular 9 to 5 job for the unpredictable nature of business. Tough rides have the capacity to shake your conviction. But sometimes somethings make your effort and hard work worth every drop of your sweat or a tear.
Happy Customer
A small note or a picture of them of our creation just makes your heart go Tra la la... When they come back saying you have made their day, or when they write a verbose note of your product, fit and it’s quality you get your paybacks…
Customer Rapport and Support
We have customers who date back to more than 5years and who swear by our design, quality, and fit. They join us in our journey and contribute, support, wish us well. Our rapport with them is something we treasure. We don’t let our clients be unhappy at any cost. That’s a rule and motto that’s remained unchanged for us
Bumpy Rides…
Entrepreneurs have erratic schedules and there are times when we work 24X7 but the fact remains we are working for ourselves. Nothing can be a bigger high than this realization. Giving our best at all times is crucial and the journey even with its bumpy ride gets enjoyable. We have labor issues, absurd deadlines, power outages, payment delays to problems from certain weaver communities, each day presents a different challenge but the experience from overcoming these challenges is huge.
All for our Passion...
We are at the beginning of our journey and we have a long way to go but the truth is its a choice that we made out of our passion. Doubts creep in about our sustenance and if returns are in line with our efforts but we have managed to pull on well. Sometimes we pull out of a situation and get going with all our grit just to prove to self and to people who are yet to gather their faith in us. We have witnessed doubt and disapproval give way to faith, acceptance, and encouragement.